Category Archives: web 2.0+

How to have a successful conference (presenters, attendees, & coordinators)

robinna/ October 5, 2012/ Technology, meetups/conferences, twitter, tutorials, web 2.0+/ 0 comments

I started writing this after the last conference I attended and I have discovered my list of best practices for conferences just keeps growing…———-I’ve been to a few conferences in my career from corporate to library, regional to national to international… I’ve attended, presented, facilitated, chaired, coordinated, and about every conference activity in between.On that note here is my advice

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How to create a website without writing code or using something like dreamweaver (QOD)

robinna/ October 3, 2011/ Technology, social media, webdesign, tutorials, web 2.0+/ 0 comments

So, my question of the day (QOD) is:I use Dreamweaver to design web pages. Do any of you use something that you would consider “easy” to use? I am trying to teach someone else how to manage a simple web site. A: Some questions to consider: How big is the site  Is it hosted on their own webspace Can it

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Wikispaces free for higher ed

robinna/ March 5, 2011/ Technology, Libraries, publishing, webdesign, web 2.0+/ 0 comments

Wikispaces for Higher Education – FREE! We are giving away all of the features of our Plus wikis (normally $50/year).No fine print, no usage limits, no advertising, no catches. * Post, Publish, and Share with Ease Unlimited pages let you and your students share text, images, files, and more. * Set Privacy You can decide who has access to your

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Net neutrality: the future

robinna/ December 1, 2010/ Technology, web 2.0+/ 0 comments

Net neutrality basically deals with control of web access by broadband providers, but in controlling access, libraries and other web content providers would be impacted.———————————–The FCC, via its chairman Julius Genachowsky, has officially staked its claim on the future of the Webs. Net Neutrality all the way. …he simplifies the arguments about Net Neutrality down to three key points: 1.

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Blue beanie day – support web standards!

robinna/ November 30, 2010/ Technology, webdesign, usability, web 2.0+/ 0 comments

Our lives as users and coders would be much easier if ALL browsers supported web standards.Thus, arose the blue beanie day to show support for web standards.My haiku:New web journeys waitof Blue beanies sing; old mud walks to break internet You don’t even need to own a blue beanie either (tho I have several). You can fake it here.

Question of the day: How do I delete a note in facebook?

robinna/ September 18, 2010/ Technology, social media, meetups/conferences, question of the day, tutorials, Training, Train, web 2.0+/ 0 comments

Q: How do I delete a note in facebook?A: Although not intuitive, this is easy to do. Type Notes into the Search field at the top OR start with your home page (In the news feed list on the left side, click on More, if you do not immediately see ‘Notes’). You may also be able to access notes via

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Question of the day: where to find free stock footage

robinna/ August 4, 2010/ Technology, meetups/conferences, question of the day, that's cool, watch.see.hear, tutorials, web 2.0+/ 1 comments

Internet archive has both moving images and stills including publicdomain; others are licensed under creative commons (CC). and here are the various searches by CC license type: Also searching flickr by CC license does have some very short film clips. I’m sure there are other tools, even the creativecommons website hassearching functionality. Youtube allows searching by license, too. Also, fair

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Question of the Day: Delete or rename friends list in facebook

robinna/ July 30, 2010/ Technology, social media, meetups/conferences, question of the day, tutorials, web 2.0+/ 0 comments

Q: How do I delete a friends list? I created one for a special event and I don’t need it anymore. A: Facebook always seems to be moving things around and deleting or editing a friends list is no different. It’s easy enough to create a list (several ways, one being> Under the Friends link on the left menu, click

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Social media/ Web2.0 — the world is different (with video)

robinna/ July 12, 2010/ Technology, social media, media, web 2.0+/ 0 comments

Although this web2.0 video has been around a while, the concepts and technologies presented are still relevant. In some ways web 2.0/social media is a change from how we do things, but in other ways not. We’ve always collaborated and worked together. Anyhow, thinking towards web3.0 (when are we going to stop naming it, and it just becomes the web?),

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