How Google works (infographic)
Very cool and informative. See it fullscale here Infographic by the Pay Per Click Blog
Very cool and informative. See it fullscale here Infographic by the Pay Per Click Blog
Geek Humour:The Top Five Fonts To Never Ever Use Ok, I don’t have a problem with arial, but it is kind of boring.
Wow, this is kind of cool… The internet has made sharing library catalogue records easier for libraries and users – but with it comes a new set of challenges surrounding the legal implications. A new JISC toolkit helps librarians navigate the legal minefield of making their catalogue records available to others.
If you haven’t heard/read (and you don’t follow my tweets — georgiawebgurl@twitter), Friendfeed has been bought by Facebook. Read about it here and here. On another note, I asked for an invite for Wowd. I am interested to see how this will differ from StumbleUpon. Both seem to be in the popularity contest site recommendation field, but Wowd seems to
As early as 2004 (and most likely even earlier!), continuing onward in 2006, people where hailing the death of search engines. Some see social/web 2.0 technologies as decreasing the importance of search engines. Metatags are dead! proclaims another. Yet, here we are in 2007, with google set to take on the mobile world, with its new platform, Android. Hmm. Death?
I answered a question about metadata on a list, and I thought I’d post my answer in an abbreviated form: Yes, it is still important. ;-D Focus on the most relevant terms for a website. At various times, depending on their algorithms, some search engines have truncated keywords at a certain limit 25 words, even 250 characters. Any other that