Category Archives: STEM

Sir Isaac Newton (Weird Al Yankovic) vs. Bill Nye in Epic Rap Battles of History #woot4science #awesomesauce

robinna/ June 23, 2014/ STEM, Blog posts/ 0 comments

Yay for Science!  Oh and check out this page for behind the scenes “Physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton, played by “Weird Al” Yankovic, and science educator Bill Nye face off in a new episode of Epic Rap Battles of History”

Interview with inventor of Kevlar, Stephanie Kwolek

robinna/ June 23, 2014/ Technology, History of Technology, STEM, Innovation, Creativity, Blog posts/ 0 comments

I love this story. RIP, Stephanie Kwolek. “I love learning and I’m love learning new things, making discoveries… while her mother encourage creativity and even a future in fashion design,  her father was a naturalist and inspired stephanie’s curiosity about the outdoors. I had a father who was very much interested and plants and trees. I spent a lot of

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3D technology – the next industrial revolution

robinna/ February 18, 2014/ Technology, STEM, 3D/ 0 comments

As schools across the country are beginning to prepare children for what some have called “the next industrial revolution” by assimilating 3D printing technology into their curriculum, toy manufacturing giant Hasbro is planning to incorporate the technology into kids’ playtime. More here and here References:

GIRLS video, STEM, and the Beasties Boys – updated [video]

robinna/ November 25, 2013/ STEM/ 0 comments

So this story about copyright and intellectual rights has gotten so complicated (and I’m not an lawyer). It will be very interesting to watch. Originally I wrote this at my art site @ facebook, Robinart As an artist, I’m not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I think artists should be financially compensated for their works. However, the

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Looking forward > Topics in stem / Future trends in life and education

robinna/ November 1, 2013/ STEM, 3D, Wearables, Blog posts/ 0 comments

1 Year or Less Learning analytics Mobile learning Online learning  Virtual and remote laboratories 2-3 years adoption 3D printing (I’ve also read 5-7 years) Games and Gamification  Immersive learning environments Wearable technology (yes! waiting for my clothes that automatically adjust for temperature!) 4-5 years adoption  Flexible displays  Internet of Things (Everything physical is tagged; everything is taggable; everything connects with

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new art, new writings, new music — it’s moonshine!

robinna/ August 5, 2008/ publishing, Culture, STEM, opensource, photography/ 0 comments

Lots of new writings, new art, new music. I’m finishing up my art interviews with artists (the creativity series) and a short (!) book review.Oh, and of course, the cover graphic is mine. 😉 ————————-These are the dog days of summer, is it any wonder that everything seems to droop a little? Stay inside in the cool and check out

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