Monthly Archives: April 2014
IBM 3D prints world’s smallest magazine [video]
I guess they are just trying to show what it could do… IBM 3D Prints World’s Smallest Magazine Cover
Google Treats & Easter Eggs
Remember the Pokemon on the Google Maps?Well, Google has more besides just that – a whole collection of easter eggs! In case you don’t know what an easter egg is, it is a hidden feature within another: Wikipedia states that it is an “is an intentional inside joke, hidden message, or feature in a work such as a computer program,
Impact of mass 3D printing on industries
Really interesting article on the impact of 3D printing: 10 industries 3D printing will disrupt or decimate
Interacting with dynamic shape display [video]
This is so cool – almost mind boggling where we are getting with technology. inFORM – Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display from Tangible Media Group on Vimeo.
Facebook covers policies & sizes
Cover photos are 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels tall (less than 100Kb for fastest load time); jpg or png (better for text). public Minimum size is 399 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall; if you upload less than 851px x 315px, it will be stretched. NO 3rd party advertising* Can NOT be deceptive, misleading, infringe on anyone else’s copyright
Internet security issue – change your passwords (heartbleed) – *UPDATE*
*UPDATE* You may be aware of this by now, but if not some info about heartbleed. It does impact dropbox, yahoo (and all of its services), soundcloud and many, many other sites. Google was vulnerable but fixed it as others (including Facebook) have. It does not seem that the banking sites were hit (yet), but it might be a good
Making it happen – linkeddata, bigdata, opendata and the semantic web
So, a question was asked in one of my linkeddata discussion groups. How does linkeddata, bigdata, opendata and the semantic web fit together? My answer:The Semantic web is the interface to make sense of all of the data (bigdata) which has to be accessible (open data); linkeddata is the mechanism making the data connections which are interpreted by the semantic
Really interesting — Einstein and the story behind E=mc2
The story behind the world’s most famous equation, E = mc2