Monthly Archives: April 2014

Google Treats & Easter Eggs

robinna/ April 18, 2014/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Remember the Pokemon on the Google Maps?Well, Google has more besides just that – a whole collection of easter eggs!  In case you don’t know what an easter egg is, it is a hidden feature within another: Wikipedia states that it is an “is an intentional inside joke, hidden message, or feature in a work such as a computer program,

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Facebook covers policies & sizes

robinna/ April 11, 2014/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Cover photos are 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels tall (less than 100Kb for fastest load time); jpg or png (better for text). public Minimum size is 399 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall; if you upload less than 851px x 315px, it will be stretched. NO 3rd party advertising* Can NOT  be deceptive, misleading, infringe on anyone else’s copyright

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Making it happen – linkeddata, bigdata, opendata and the semantic web

robinna/ April 8, 2014/ 3D/ 0 comments

So, a question was asked in one of my linkeddata discussion groups. How does linkeddata, bigdata, opendata and the semantic web fit together? My answer:The Semantic web is the interface to make sense of all of the data (bigdata) which has to be accessible (open data); linkeddata is the mechanism making the data connections which are interpreted by the semantic

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