Category Archives: opensource

Choosing Technology (free webinar!)

robinna/ December 18, 2010/ Libraries, opensource, watch.see.hear, Training, Train/ 0 comments

Choosing Technology: How We Decide What Technologies Work Best in Our Libraries ( )Presented by Tim DanielsWednesday, January 19, 2011, 10:00am – 11:00am Eastern TimeSeparate registration is required for each hour-long session (free & open to everyone!)In today’s environment librarians are constantly bombarded with new and emerging technologies. These technologies can run the gamut from smart phone applications to

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Question of the day: What to use to catalog a small church library?

robinna/ December 4, 2010/ opensource, question of the day/ 0 comments

So, the question of the day was about how to catalog a church’s library. This article has some great suggestions especially in regards to collection management decision making. In addition to determining which audience level, type of media, and subject headings schema to use (Sears, LCSH, etc.), I would add to also figure out how you want to provide access

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Dispora* opensource social community (yeah, kind of like facebook, but well.. not)

robinna/ September 28, 2010/ social media, opensource/ 1 comments

Really interesting article about the progress of dispora* as well as interviews with the developers. Diaspora*—if it worked—would do everything Facebook did. But users would own their data. If they wished, they could run their own servers. There would be no data-mining. No whiplash privacy protocols. And no Mark Zuckerberg. moves to drupal

robinna/ April 26, 2010/ opensource/ 0 comments

Obama’s campaign site was running Expression Engine… interesting to see this move to opensource. (yay! opensource…. altho’ I do have a special spot in my heart for EE, it’s where I cut my CMS teeth… where I began to be brave enough to contribute solutions to a public forum … LOL) Last week, announced its release of custom code

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Open Library project update

robinna/ August 5, 2009/ Libraries, open access, Design, opensource/ 0 comments

The final report of the Open Library Environment project is available for reading. ♥ this project with its focus on the behind the scenes… because if the behind the scenes (processing system/database/data) doesn’t work very well, the public interface is not going to work very well. I am definitely keeping an eye on this project and I hope to be

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OpenOffice 3.0

robinna/ September 6, 2008/ opensource/ 0 comments

Nice preview of openoffice 3 (woohoo!) Honestly, I haven’t missed dumping Microsoft Office yet… …and if you’d like to see a little demo, try this one which covers all of the types of openoffice (databases, word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations):