Monthly Archives: March 2012

Various teachings + speaking engagements

robinna/ March 5, 2012/ meetups/conferences, my projects, twitter/ 0 comments

This evening I’m doing hands-on database and cataloging training (focus on metadata/cataloging and quality control) for the Owens Library; Tuesday and Weds, I am teaching for Lyrasis on FRBR (get FRBRized!) and then another session on Introducing RDA: 1, Structure, Principles and Core Elements (Live Online) which makes for lots of time juggling and very early mornings so that I

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Digital literacy: Are social media skills required for success?

robinna/ March 2, 2012/ social media/ 0 comments

Interesting article about the impact of social media on employee skill expectations and the rise of social media training programs.  “Pamela Tate, president and chief executive of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, based in Chicago, said digital literacy, including understanding social networking, is now a required skill. They are essential skills that are needed to operate in the

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