Category Archives: tools/tips

Gmail: search & limit by date, exclude google buzz & more

robinna/ September 3, 2011/ question of the day, tools/tips, Training, Train/ 0 comments

If you’ve ever tried to search through 300 (or egads – 3000+) GMail emails, then you know how challenging the “never delete” idea is. Sorting is not really part of the GMail world (there is some sorting, but it rather limited). I usually build the search in the search box (similar to oldschool command line searching). (If you prefer to

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Customizing/styling a blogger rss feed using Feedburner

robinna/ October 17, 2010/ social media, tools/tips, Training, Train/ 0 comments

To find your blogger feed for a label (category/tag), check out this post. Part 2 – CUSTOMIZING & STYLING A RSS FEED WITH FEEDBURNEROpen Sigh in with feedburner using your google/gmail account login password and ID. Before we can style and customize the display of our feed, we have to link it with Feedburner. You should see “Burn a

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Question of the day: How to embed youtube videos & make them fit…

robinna/ March 26, 2010/ Technology, meetups/conferences, question of the day, that's cool, tools/tips, tutorials, Training, web 2.0+, life 2.0+/ 0 comments

Depending on what browser and resolution you are using, you may find that your content (such as blog posts) which have embedded videos are running over your blog post area. You COULD change your stylesheet, but if everything works except for embedded Youtube videos, an easier answer might be to change the width of the Youtube player. This is super

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What happened to (& reviews of URL shorteners)

robinna/ March 22, 2010/ Technology, History of Technology, Culture, social media, tools/tips/ 0 comments

Wandered over to shorten a URL and found this: is no longer accepting URL shortening requests via its website. May we respectfully suggest that you choose one of the many other wonderful alternatives available. Please understand that this does not affect any software that has available within it.‘s API is available, and redirections are working normally.

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w3c cheat sheet

robinna/ November 25, 2009/ webdesign, tools/tips, web 2.0+, training / tutorials/ 0 comments “This cheatsheet aims at providing in a very compact and mobile-friendly format a compilation of useful knowledge extracted from W3C specifications — at this time, CSS, HTML, SVG and XPath —, completed by summaries of guidelines developed at W3C, in particular the WCAG2 accessibility guidelines, the Mobile Web Best Practices, and a number of internationalization tips. Its main feature

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