3D makerspaces & libraries (webinar/video)
interesting and some good insights.
interesting and some good insights.
So the Facebook / Open Graph privacy posts are making the rounds again. Facebook does have a pending privacy change but they are holding off on it due to concerns (seriously – did you vote? I did) . I’ve written about this before, but since it’s going around again (and probably will every time facebook changes), it’s a timely topic.
Most of your viral videos rolled into one: and in case you don’t the original:
The closest thing we have to a superpower…
If you’ve never seen the terracotta army of 8000 soldiers in person, they are truly amazing. Each face is unique and handformed. How they made these was an advancement in art and technology for the time, but on top of that, they were painted in a now extinct form of paint called Chinese Blue (Han Blue). In researching Chinese Blue,
I’d love to give an Auotgrapher camera a try. How could a camera that records temperature, speed,compass (direction), motion, GPS and time be used? Really interesting idea isn’t it? It could add a whole new range of contextual information to videos and photography. Although I do wonder if you would need an altimeter or if the GPS and compass to
Lots of RDA/FRB in this list: Karen Coyle: Understanding the Semantic Web: Bibliographic Data and Metadata, Chapters 1 and 2 http://alatechsource.metapress.com/content/g212v1783607/?p=b4700bc9fec34b12a3f42a94a9fd9d4f&pi=0 Diane Hillmann, Karen Coyle, Jon Phipps and Gordon Dunsire: RDA Vocabularies: Process, Outcome, Use http://dlib.org/dlib/january10/hillmann/01hillmann.html Barbara Tillett: What RDA Is and Isn’t http://www.loc.gov/bibliographic-future/rda/trainthetrainer.html RDA Prospectus: http://www.rda-jsc.org/rdaprospectus.html (Presentation with Slides and Notes) Tom Delsey: Moving Cataloguing into the 21st Century.
New document released from LoC: Bibliographic Framework as a Web of Data: Linked Data Model and Supporting Services http://www.loc.gov/marc/transition/pdf/marcld-report-11-21-2012.pdf The new, proposed model is simply called BIBFRAME, short for Bibliographic Framework. The new model is more than a mere replacement for the library community’s current model/format, MARC. It is the foundation for the future of bibliographic description that happens on,
I started writing this after the last conference I attended and I have discovered my list of best practices for conferences just keeps growing…———-I’ve been to a few conferences in my career from corporate to library, regional to national to international… I’ve attended, presented, facilitated, chaired, coordinated, and about every conference activity in between.On that note here is my advice