Monthly Archives: December 2006

More on google’s book-scanning project

robinna/ December 4, 2006/ Search engines/browsers/ 0 comments

U. of Virginia joins Google’s book-scanning project Following hot on the heels of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, which joined Google’s amibitious library-digitization effort last month, the University of Virginia has signed on to the project.

library database typos

robinna/ December 3, 2006/ Libraries, social media, watch.see.hear/ 0 comments

ok, I know I’ve mentioned this one already, but for those of you who are interested in the typos group, the link is here: and here’s a sample of possible typos:Adadem* ; Bpres* ; Distrub* ; Everday ; Intergrat* ;Ot-the ; Portuges* ; Psued* the * of course is for truncation, so that you retrieve all misspellings within the

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