Monthly Archives: September 2007

k12 free online conference web 2.0 technologies

robinna/ September 27, 2007/ web 2.0+/ 0 comments

The K-12 Online Conference invites participation from all educators from around the world who are interested in innovative ways Web 2.0 tools and technologies can be used to improve learning. This is a FREE conference run by volunteers and open to everyone, no registration is required. The conference theme is “Playing with Boundaries”. The link to the conference is here

web 2.0 presentation prep

robinna/ September 26, 2007/ social media, Design, my projects, productivity, web 2.0+/ 0 comments

Well, my presentation on web 2.0 technologies for blogging is finally coming together. I’m using google presentation to house the presentation and I’ll publish it out on the web when finished. I’ve sent the presentation off to my co-presenter for her part and review. I’ve got to do a little bit of work over the next couple of weeks to

Read More vs.

robinna/ September 22, 2007/ software, publishing, CMS, my projects, webdesign, XHTML/XML/CSS/ 4 comments

So, I’ve been trying to figure out if I want to move to or use on my domain, or do something entirely different (I’m running drupal on my domain). Occasionally, I have considered moving over to as well… I like wordpress. It’s not so much that I hate blogger, it’s ok, but I’ve been wanting to do

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…and all I wanted was a pepsi.

robinna/ September 21, 2007/ my projects/ 0 comments

(pardons to suicidal tendancies…) So, I posted a couple of workarounds/fixes I discovered about blogger to the blogger google groups. I guess someone didn’t like them, because they magically disappeared. No email, no post back (hey, that’s a stupid idea, or that’s been posted a million times before [even if I couldn’t find it in searching], no you posted too

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Students’ use of technology

robinna/ September 19, 2007/ Libraries, social media, web 2.0+/ 0 comments

An interesting article on how college students use technology (alot but using specific tools for specific tasks; with 98.4 % of surveyed students owning some type of computer…) Instead, students appear to segment different modes of communication for different purposes. E-mail, Web sites, message boards and Blackboard? Viable ways of connecting with professors and peers. Same for chat, instant messaging,

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Yahoo tests social network

robinna/ September 18, 2007/ social media, networking/ 0 comments

Article about yahoo’s attempt to crack myspace and facebook’s domain; more at techcrunch. Also some brief discussion about whether this is the end of Yahoo 360. I wondered the same thing. Of course, mash is invitation only and I didn’t receive an invitation (despite the fact that I really have been using yahoo’s services for EVER it feels like…) I

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e-zine using wordpress

robinna/ September 17, 2007/ software, publishing, CMS, webdesign, opensource/ 0 comments

I’m going to add this to my e-zine list, but I think this e-zine template for wordpress looks really good. I do wonder about the pre-publishing and issue creation, though. One of the advantages of pacercms is that I can create the issues prior to publication. I do think draft posts could accomplish some of that, but…

google video

robinna/ September 16, 2007/ watch.see.hear/ 0 comments

Creativity just amazes me. You may remember the google collaborative video effort? Basically anyone could submit a video but it had a few requirements (obviously the passing of the red envelope…) I considered participating but my video camera is not that good, plus I didn’t think my cat would enjoy having a red envelope stuck to her (just kidding!). I

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display only selected blogger labels (tags)

robinna/ September 15, 2007/ tools/tips/ 0 comments

For those of you who use blogger and use labels/tags, just a heads up, if you delete posts that you have labelled or try to remove labels, it may not work properly. If you need help deleting labels, check this post. A few ways around displaying all labels (and it would seem that this would be a feature in blogger

Read More testing new features

robinna/ September 14, 2007/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

If you are a user, you may be interested in knowing that is testing some new features. If you didn’t receive an invite (I didn’t, which doesn’t mean much…) then you can request to be added to list. I do hope that this will also mean more functionality in searching. For example in the Cataloging links page which

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