Monthly Archives: April 2011

Libraries affected by tornadoes

robinna/ April 27, 2011/ Libraries/ 0 comments

If you are aware of damage to libraries or other cultural institutions in the storm affected counties, please send a message to the HERA (Heritage Emergency Response Alliance) list: HERA@LISTSERV.CC.EMORY.EDU or Marlee Givens if you’re not able to get through there. If you have access to Facebook, you can also contact HERA via their page:!/ATLHERA Or on Twitter: @ATLHERA

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End of typewriters

robinna/ April 26, 2011/ Technology, History of Technology, Culture/ 0 comments

Although there are still a lot of typewriters on the market, mashable (a technology news source) & others are reporting that Godrej and Boyce, the last remaining manufacturer of typewriters, has shut down production More here: A history of typewriters and key layouts (…and I keep reading that keyboards are on the way out, too)

Survey on GeorgiaInfo

robinna/ April 23, 2011/ Libraries/ 0 comments

GeorgiaInfo, available in GALILEO and Digital Library of Georgia database menus, is a portal to historical, cultural, statistical, governmental, and geographical information on Georgia. The GeorgiaInfo team would like our feedback to help inform the redesign of this robust resource. Please see their message below. β€œWe’re redesigning GeorgiaInfo! Please take our short user survey at to help us improve

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How can you tell if it’s an Auto DM (Twitter)?

robinna/ April 21, 2011/ twitter/ 2 comments

I do use DM (direct messages) in Twitter to “email” my Twitter followers and those I follow, esp. if it’s of a more personal nature.My DMs are always real; however, some Twitter users use various tools to create an AutoDM. It can sometimes be hard to tell if a DM is “real” (actually handwritten by a person) or AUTO (generated

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Kindle offers lending to libraries

robinna/ April 20, 2011/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

In case you haven’t seen the news:Kindle is launching library lending!!!! Read about it here here,  at Amazon’s own press releaseor just google it. Because anybody with a kindle is probably talking about it. πŸ˜‰

Creating a social media policy (Free webinar)

robinna/ April 11, 2011/ social media, Training, Train/ 0 comments

You do know that if you work for a public university or publicly funded library, you are a government employee, right? πŸ˜‰ Designing Social Media Policy for Government: Eight Essential ElementsInstructors:    Jana Hrdinova (Center for Technology in Government) & Giovanni Carnaroli (Dept.of Transportation) Government agencies are increasingly looking to leverage social media to improve the quality of government services and

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RDA implement or no?

robinna/ April 8, 2011/ Libraries/ 0 comments

 As many of you in the library community know,  RDA is the new cataloging rules, which replace AACR2. RDA works within the FRBR and FRAD framework (for those who don’t know what those terms mean, they are essentially semantic web and linked data friendly schemas for library metadata for library materials, like books.) One of the key parts of the

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Free education/technology conference (mobile, Ipads, emerging technologies)

robinna/ April 8, 2011/ Technology, Training, Train, Blog posts/ 0 comments

Free online/virtual conference , April 28thMobile learning evangelists Elliot Soloway and Cathleen Norris present their session, “The Educational Reset of 2011: Mobile Learning” The pros and cons of mobile learning are important topics for educators looking to reach this new generation of digital natives.Other sessions include: iThink iNeed iPods, iPhones and iPads in the Classroom and sessions on Emerging Technologies.

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Nominate me — or your favorite librarian ;-)

robinna/ April 5, 2011/ Libraries, social media, watch.see.hear/ 0 comments

Apparently only 1 Georgia Librarian has been nominated. Seriously and I know some great people (for whom I will write nominations…) For those of you with a competitive, or appreciative, spirit – ALA-APA is hosting a contest with no prize other than the knowledge that your state celebrates its library workers publicly on National Library Workers Day (NLWD), Tuesday, April

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