Monthly Archives: June 2009

Facebook changes in privacy

robinna/ June 29, 2009/ social media, life 2.0+/ 0 comments

Okay, I don’t feel like tinisizing that URL, but you can follow it on a blog, right? 😉 Interesting article about the upcoming changes in facebook privacy. I’m not surprised facebook is moving towards public feeds, because as the article puts it: Facebook holds a giant reservoir of demographic and sentiment data. It is the mother lode – and it’s

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Question of the Day: what will not migrate in Google Pages?

robinna/ June 27, 2009/ Design, meetups/conferences, webdesign, question of the day, XHTML/XML/CSS, web 2.0+, life 2.0+/ 0 comments

So, google pages (the online editor/hosted website creator available for free to google/gmail customers) is going away. It will be replaced by google sites. I, as well as a ton of other google users, received the following message (prompting a question from friend, about whether her site would migrate properly): However, we’ve identified you as using Google Page Creator to

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Kindle releases source code

robinna/ June 25, 2009/ life 2.0+/ 0 comments

Oooh, ooh, I can see all sorts of things that could be done with this! Read about it here Get it here

useful websites — zap line breaks & more

robinna/ June 20, 2009/ Design, webdesign, web 2.0+/ 0 comments

I love this little website with lots of text tools (I do know there are other websites and scripts/software/text editors, which will cleanup text, even stripping out formatting from Word) … however, this is one that I keep handy. 😉 So, what other online webtools do you find useful? I use a lot of validators and I have a

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Call for articles — Cataloging & Metadata dept management

robinna/ June 15, 2009/ Libraries/ 0 comments

Call for papers: Administration, management and strategic planning of cataloging and metadata departmentsPlease excuse duplication. Please forward to interested colleagues and other listservs. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly_ will be publishing a special issue on 21st-century challenges for library administrators in the management and strategic planning of operations and personnel in cataloging and metadatadepartments. The guest editor is looking for articles

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ALA Committee on Accreditation seeks comment

robinna/ June 9, 2009/ Libraries/ 0 comments

From a list:The ALA Committee on Accreditation (COA) invites comment via blog from you and your members and constituents on the Standards for Accreditation of Master’s Programs in Library and Information Studies (2008) and in particular on the recommendations of the Library Education Task Force in their final report issued January 13, 2009 to the ALA Executive Board for

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